New Blog: Empowering Parents – Managing Enteral Nutrition for Children

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates


Supporting pediatric patients who rely on tube feeding can feel overwhelming for parents and caretakers. Yet, with the proper guidance and encouragement, it’s entirely possible to approach this challenge with confidence and compassion. Whether your child needs tube feeding due to medical conditions, feeding difficulties, or other reasons, understanding the process and implementing effective strategies can make a world of difference in their well-being and bring you a sense of peace.

Understanding Enteral Nutrition in Children

Tube feeding pediatric patients is a critical intervention for children who cannot meet their nutritional needs through oral intake alone. It involves delivering liquid nutrition directly into the stomach or intestines through a tube inserted into the nose, mouth, or abdomen. This method ensures your child receives the necessary nutrients in a safe and controlled manner.

Often, the necessity for tube feeding arises from conditions such as prematurity, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal issues, or congenital anomalies. While the prospect of initiating tube feeding may be daunting, it’s vital to recognize it as a temporary solution to nurture your child’s growth and development.

Different Types of Feeding Tubes

There are many types of feeding tubes, each serving specific purposes and catering to unique needs. Let’s take a closer look at the main types:

Gastrostomy Tube (G-tube)

A G-tube is placed directly into the stomach, bypassing the mouth for feedings. It can be used full-time to replace oral feedings or part-time for specific nutritional needs or during illness.

Jejunostomy Tube (J-tube)

J-tubes are inserted into the jejunum, a part of the small intestine. These tubes bypass both the mouth and stomach, so they are often recommended for children who experience frequent vomiting.


In some cases, GJ-tubes are placed through the abdominal wall, into the stomach, and then the jejunum. GJ tubes are standalone devices intended for this purpose, and the approach, known as transgastric placement, provides access to both the gastric and jejunal areas.

Nasogastric/Nasojejunal Tube

Nasogastric or nasojejunal feeding tubes are also very common. These tubes are inserted through the nose and into either the stomach or jejunum, depending on the individual’s specific needs.

Ultimately, the type of feeding tube chosen depends on your child’s needs and medical requirements. It’s essential to work closely with healthcare providers to determine the most suitable option and ensure proper care and maintenance of the tube over time.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Have you ever noticed how certain places make you feel happy or relaxed? The same goes for feeding time. The environment your child associates with feeding makes a big difference in the long run. It’s like setting the stage for a cozy, comforting experience whenever they need to eat. A positive, welcoming atmosphere is like a warm hug—it helps them feel safe and secure.

Minimizing distractions and finding the perfect position can help your child relax during feeding. When your child feels connected to you, the whole experience is smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Practical Tips for Tube Feeding Pediatric Patients at Home

Tube feeding at home requires careful planning and organization. Here are some practical tips to help streamline the process and ensure your child receives the nutrition they need:

Stock up on supplies: Keep tube feeding supplies on hand, including feeding tubes, syringes, formula or breast milk, cleaning supplies, and any necessary accessories.

Monitor intake and output: Track your child’s intake and output to ensure adequate nutrition and hydration. This information can also help identify potential issues or changes in feeding patterns.

Practice proper hygiene: Follow strict hygiene practices when handling tube feeding equipment to reduce the risk of infections or complications.

Seek support: Don’t hesitate to contact other parents of children who require tube feeding or join online support groups for additional guidance and encouragement.


Recognize that it is common to face challenges when managing tube feeding. However, with the proper support and resources, you can effectively handle this aspect of your child’s care. Understand the process, create a supportive environment, implement practical tips, and nurture your child’s growth and development to overcome obstacles and empower your child to thrive. Remember, you are not alone, and resources are available to assist you.

Disclaimer: Anything contained in this blog is general information only and is not, nor should it be interpreted to be, medical advice. Always consult with a qualified physician and/or a health care provider for medical advice.

New Blog: How the micro G-JET® Overcomes Challenges in Pediatric Enteral Feeding

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates


Caring for children requiring enteral feeding entails a delicate balance of challenges, hope, and compassion. It is like navigating a maze where every decision matters greatly. Whether healthcare professionals or parents, caregivers navigate this complex path with unwavering dedication and resilience. Enteral feeding goes beyond simply giving food; it fosters growth, aids healing, and lays the groundwork for a bright and healthy future.

Amid the challenges, innovative solutions lighten the load on caregivers and improve outcomes for young patients. One such solution is the micro G-JET®. Crafted with precision for pediatric patients dependent on GJ-tubes for enteral feeding, this device is purpose-built to overcome the unique hurdles faced by this specific population, enhancing their enteral nutrition experience with tailored advancements.

Challenges in Pediatric Enteral Feeding

Tube-feeding young patients poses its own set of hurdles that caregivers must navigate with care and creativity. For instance, in pediatric enteral feeding, one size doesn’t fit all. 

Unique Pediatric Considerations

Finding the right feeding tube for little ones with delicate bodies can be challenging. Size constraints must be considered, and even when the tube fits, complications like dislodgement or irritation can arise. 

Tube complications are a constant source of concern in pediatric enteral feeding. Blockages can occur due to formula or medication residues, inadequate flushing, or mechanical issues with the tube. These blockages disrupt feeding schedules and pose a risk of the tube becoming non-functional, potentially requiring a replacement. This incurs costs for hospitals and patients, including time spent and the purchase of new feeding tubes. Leaks, on the other hand, can lead to skin irritation or breakdown around the insertion site, increasing the risk of infection and discomfort for the patient. 

When feeding infants and young children through tubes, particularly those who may not be able to express discomfort verbally, it becomes crucial to closely observe nonverbal cues like facial expressions, body language, and signs of agitation during feeding sessions. The possible discomfort experienced during tube insertion or while the tube remains in place may lead to feeding aversions, heightened stress levels, and negative associations with feeding, which can significantly impact their nutritional intake and overall growth trajectory. Therefore, it is essential to implement measures to enhance patient comfort, such as utilizing the least obtrusive feeding tubes, employing gentle techniques during tube insertion, and ensuring adequate pain management strategies are in place.

Impact on Patient Care

These challenges don’t just affect feeding time but also have a ripple effect on patient care. Complications with feeding tubes can lead to longer hospital stays, higher costs, and added stress for everyone involved.

Before the advent of the micro G-JET®, the absence of suitable devices for young patients needing gastrojejunal (GJ) tubes posed a significant hurdle. Healthcare providers often resorted to improvising or customizing feeding tubes, with varying degrees of success, increasing the risk of complications and adding to the burden on patients and caregivers alike.

That’s why there’s such a need for innovative solutions in pediatric enteral feeding. The micro G-JET® fills this gap, offering a specialized solution designed for the unique needs of young patients. It’s a game-changer that not only simplifies feeding schedules but also significantly enhances patient safety and comfort, ultimately ensuring a smoother and more secure experience for all parties involved.

Exploring the micro G-JET®

Let’s dive into the remarkable features of the micro G-JET® and how it’s revolutionizing pediatric enteral feeding.

Functionality and Configuration

Imagine a feeding tube that prioritizes both functionality and comfort for young patients. The micro G-JET® does just that. With its sleek, low-profile design and anti-kink ribbing, designed to minimize discomfort and potential complications, it can make for a smooth and hassle-free insertion process. 

Additionally, its Glow Green technology makes nighttime feedings much easier. Glow Green™ technology refers to a feature integrated into the feeding tube system that emits a soft, green glow during nighttime feeding sessions. This illumination helps caregivers easily locate and manage the feeding tube, even in low-light conditions, making seamless and uninterrupted nutrition delivery to pediatric patients throughout the night possible.

Finally, the exclusive Gastric and Jejunal ports of the micro G-JET® provide added peace of mind by reducing the risk of misconnections, ultimately prioritizing patient safety.

Clinical Applications

The versatility of the micro G-JET® makes it a valuable asset in pediatric clinical settings. From infants with congenital anomalies to children undergoing complex medical procedures, this device offers tailored solutions to meet each patient’s unique needs. 

Its compatibility with various feeding regimens and medication delivery protocols allows healthcare providers to confidently customize treatment plans, knowing that the micro G-JET® can adapt to any situation.

Transitioning from Gastric to Jejunal Feeding

When pediatric patients need to transition from gastric to jejunal feeding, especially in cases of complications such as reflux or aspiration, they face significant challenges. However, the micro G-JET® simplifies this process, creating a reliable pathway for delivering nutrients directly to the jejunum, minimizing the risk of gastric complications while ensuring optimal patient comfort during feeding.

Patient-Centric Design

The micro G-JET® is rooted in a patient-centric design philosophy that prioritizes comfort, safety, and ease of use. Its soft and flexible construction is engineered to minimize tissue trauma during insertion, significantly reducing the risk of discomfort and irritation for pediatric patients. 

Additionally, features such as radiopacity and a size range of .8-2.5cm for gastric and jejunal lengths of 10-30cm enhance procedural efficiency and accuracy, allowing for a smoother and more precise experience for both patients and caregivers. With the micro G-JET®, caregivers can rest assured that their little ones receive the highest standard of care.

Real-Life Experiences with the Micro G-JET®

At the end of the day, features and benefits only go so far. What matters most is how the micro G-JET® affects young patients’ lives. Let’s step into the lives of pediatric patients and their caregivers who have experienced firsthand the transformative impact of the micro G-JET®.

Personal Testimonials

Among those whose lives have been positively impacted by the micro G-JET® is Mimi, a young girl facing numerous challenges due to Trisomy 18. From cognitive delays to a heart defect, Mimi’s feeding journey has been fraught with obstacles. After encountering issues with her previous feeding tube, including intestinal bleeding and discomfort around the stoma, Mimi’s caregivers were introduced to the micro G-JET®.

They shared how the micro G-JET® addressed many of their concerns with its low-profile design and improved features. The shorter length and reduced contact with the skin around the stoma helped resolve issues with granulation tissue, while the tube’s radio-opaque nature made placement easier and reduced the need for contrast solution during verification. Additionally, the larger internal diameter minimized clogs, and the improved gastric venting led to a happier tummy for Mimi.

Since switching to the micro G-JET®, Mimi’s caregivers have reported virtually zero issues, expressing immense gratitude for finding the perfect solution for her feeding needs.

Impact on Daily Life

For pediatric patients like Mimi, the micro G-JET® has alleviated physical discomfort and transformed their daily routines. With fewer complications and improved comfort during feeding, patients can focus more on enjoying life’s moments and less on managing feeding tube-related challenges.

Improved Health Outcomes

The impact of the micro G-JET® extends beyond daily life to significant improvements in health outcomes. This innovative system aims to enhance nutritional intake and reduce complications like blockages and granulation tissue formation. It also strives to provide a more comfortable feeding experience, all with the goal of promoting the overall well-being of pediatric patients.

Mimi’s story is just one example of how the micro G-JET® has become a lifeline for pediatric patients and their caregivers.

Tips for Caregivers: Optimizing micro G-JET® Utilization

Below are some important tips for caregivers to optimize the utilization of the micro G-JET®:

What to Expect During and After Placement

Placing the micro G-JET® involves a carefully orchestrated procedure by healthcare professionals. First, the patient’s stoma is gently prepared, creating a pathway for the feeding tube. Then, under sterile conditions, the healthcare provider guides the tube through the stoma, navigating it into the stomach and further advancing it into the jejunum.

During this process, advanced imaging techniques such as fluoroscopy may be used to ensure precise tube positioning. Radiopaque markers on the tube aid in visualizing its path through the gastrointestinal tract, confirming its correct placement in the jejunum.

After placement, caregivers are crucial in monitoring the patient for any signs of discomfort or complications. They should observe the functioning of the feeding tube, ensuring proper flow of formula or medication without blockages or leaks. 

Effective Flushing Techniques

Proper care for your feeding tube is crucial for its functionality and your well-being. Before and after feedings, flush your tube with warm water to avoid clogs, and do the same before and after administering medication through the feeding tube. Remember to flush it even on days when it’s not in use for eating or medication, ensuring it remains clear. Your healthcare provider will provide a demonstration on how to flush your feeding tube before you’re discharged from the hospital.

Stoma Site Care

Caring for the area around the stoma is essential for preventing infections and keeping the skin healthy. Caregivers should learn how to clean the site, recognize signs of infection, and promote skin health in that area. You can boost skin health by keeping the area clean and dry, using barrier creams or ointments to protect the skin from irritation, and ensuring proper fitting of the feeding tube to prevent friction or pressure injuries.


Although the journey of pediatric enteral feeding is not without its obstacles, innovative solutions such as the micro G-JET® help caregivers and patients find new avenues of hope and support. As we’ve explored this system’s various features and benefits, one thing remains clear: caregivers play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of enteral feeding. Empowered with knowledge and equipped with tools like the micro G-JET®, caregivers are pillars of strength for their young ones.

Disclaimer: Anything contained in this blog is general information only and is no, nor should it be interpreted to be, medical advice. Always consult with a qualified physician and/or health care provider for medical advice.


New Blog: Navigating Tube Feeding: The Basics

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates


Tube feeding, also known as enteral nutrition, is a lifeline for those unable to meet their nutritional needs orally. Despite a community of over 3 million people globally, raising awareness and effectively communicating the intricacies of tube feeding remains a challenge. Many people are unaware of the profound impact of tube feeding on individuals and their families. 

Contrary to common beliefs, tube feeding is not merely about providing nutrition; it’s about preserving dignity, ensuring comfort, and enriching the overall quality of life for those who rely on this essential support. Explaining tube feeding effectively to siblings, teachers, and other support network members is critical for fostering empathy and understanding. This comprehensive guide aims to empower caregivers and loved ones to engage in these conversations with compassion and clarity by sharing insights and practical strategies. We will also introduce AMT’s innovative products, specifically designed to provide advanced solutions prioritizing patient comfort and safety, thereby enhancing the overall quality of care for individuals reliant on enteral nutrition. 

Understanding Tube Feeding 

The most effective way to prepare for conversations about tube feeding is to educate yourself thoroughly on the topic. This includes understanding the basics of tube feeding, such as how it works and why it is necessary, and being aware of the emotional and social dimensions involved 

Essentially, tube feeding involves delivering essential nutrients directly to the stomach or small intestine through a feeding tube. This method becomes necessary when individuals encounter difficulties with oral intake due to medical conditions, surgeries, or other underlying factors. It’s important to note that there are various tube feeding methods, including nasoenteric (the tube travels from one’s nose to stomach), gastrostomy (the tube goes directly into one’s stomach), jejunostomy (the tube goes into one’s jejunum – which is within the small intestine), and gastrostomy-jejunostomy (the tube goes into one’s stomach and passes through into the jejunum), each serving different needs.  

Some enteral nutrition users (“tubies”) only utilize feedings during mealtimes, also known as bolus feedings. Bolus feedings allow one to eat regularly. In contrast, a continuous feed allows constant, small amounts of food to be delivered. Finally, intermittent feeding provides nutrition at strategic points within the day. For example, one may utilize an intermittent feeding session overnight to avoid daytime feeds. The tube’s clinician will dictate the calories, timing, formula options, and more.  

Explaining Tube Feeding to Family, Friends, and Teachers 

When talking to others about tube feeding, be sensitive and open. Explain in a way everyone can understand, especially younger siblings, so they feel less worried and more supportive. Show how tube feeding keeps your loved one or student healthy, easing fears and bringing everyone together. Creating a safe space for tube feeding means communicating openly. Work together to plan for feeding schedules, emergencies, and any special needs.  

For hands-on practice, try using training tools such as AMT’s dolls or Mini Buddy® Bears to feel more confident handling feeding devices. Remember, patience and understanding go a long way in making everyone feel comfortable and supported throughout the tubefeeding journey. 

Innovative Solutions for Enteral Nutrition 

AMT’s MiniONE® line of low profile balloon gastrostomy tubes (g-tubes) is a range of innovative enteral feeding devices designed to meet the diverse needs of patients requiring tube feeding. These buttons are used to provide nutrition directly to the stomach. They come in different variants, each offering unique features and benefits. 

MiniONE® Family of G-Tubes: 

MiniONE® Balloon: This button features a low profile external bolster made from medical-grade silicone to reduce skin irritation and improve patient comfort. Its soft and flexible bolster is easy to clean and less likely to cause trauma to the stoma site. The tapered transition from the shaft to the external bolster creates a better seal outside the stomach. 

MiniONE® Non-Balloon: This device is an alternative to balloons, often appealing to users who do not tolerate balloon buttons due to patient anatomy or differences in their gastric environment. The smaller bolster occupies less gastric space, and, the internal silicone retention bolster may last longer than balloon devices. 

MiniONE® Capsule Non-Balloon: This button combines the benefits of a low-profile design with the longevity of a non-balloon device. The device is designed to reduce pain during insertion – with its self-lubricating capsule making insertion smoother. Its smaller internal bolster and larger openings within the internal retention dome for more efficient feeding and venting. 

These buttons are specifically designed to enhance the tube feeding experience for patients, providing greater comfort, safety, and reliability compared to other feeding devices. 

To explore the full range of AMT’s enteral feeding products and learn more about their benefits, visit our product pages.  

Disclaimer: Anything contained in this blog is general information only and is not, nor should it be interpreted to be, medical advice. Always consult with a qualified physician and/or a health care provider for medical advice.

New Blog: Nurturing Mealtime for Your Tube-Fed Baby

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates


For parents of tube-fed babies, enteral nutrition goes beyond meeting the caloric needs of their children; it’s a new way of life, a journey, and a learning experience all in one. Providing positive mealtime experiences is essential for tube-reliant infants, as it’s about more than just sustenance – it’s about creating an environment where they can flourish. This article may help parents navigate the world of enteral nutrition, offering practical advice and words of encouragement to help along the way.

Understanding Tube Feeding in Infants

Tube feeding, while perhaps initially daunting, offers vital support for thousands of infants who, due to prematurity, medical conditions, or feeding difficulties, face challenges with traditional feeding methods. Ensuring they receive the essential nutrients necessary for their growth and development is critical. Creating enjoyable mealtime routines that blend nutrition, comfort, and connection will lend a hand in ensuring your child thrives.

Like any first-time endeavor, you may feel a sense of apprehension as you approach your new mealtime routine. Like a traditional mealtime, each tube feeding session provides the parent/caregiver the opportunity to provide nourishment, create a safe haven, and bond with their little one.

Still feeling uneasy? Caregivers should identify the source of their apprehension – is it because you are stepping into what may be an uncharted territory of tube feeding? Or are you feeling ill-prepared to do such? If it’s the latter, ask your clinician to review the schedule, formulas/foods, device connections, and so forth with you. Moreover, they may be able to provide tips and tricks, community resources, and more to help you be set up for success.

Creating a Nurturing Mealtime Environment

You may ask why creating positive mealtime experiences for tube-fed infants is crucial. First, without a supportive atmosphere during feedings, babies may endure heightened stress and discomfort, potentially hindering their ability to absorb nutrients effectively and stunting their growth. Additionally, negative mealtime experiences can strain the bond between parent and child, casting a shadow of frustration and isolation over what should be moments of connection and care.

Consider the below tips to help set the stage for a positive feeding experience:

1. Designate a quiet, clean space: Set up a dedicated area for feedings free from distractions and noise. This can help create a peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation during mealtimes.
2. Positive reinforcement and soothing techniques: Use gentle words, soft touches, and calming techniques to reassure your baby during feedings. Positive reinforcement can help build trust and comfort, making the experience more pleasant for both of you.
3. Gentle interaction: Although traditional oral feeding may not be possible, you can still engage intimately with your baby. Maintain eye contact, speak soothingly, and cherish these moments as opportunities to bond with your little one.
4. Focus on love and reassurance: Remember that tube feedings are more than just a medical necessity – they are acts of love and reassurance. Approach each feeding with patience, warmth, and affection, knowing that your presence and care make a world of difference to your baby.

By implementing these tips, you can create a nurturing mealtime environment that fosters trust, relaxation, and connection between you and your tube-fed baby.

Practical Tips for Tube Feeding at Home

When you’re handling tube feeding at home, it’s all about finding those little tricks that make life easier for you and your baby. Let’s dive into some practical tips that go beyond the basics, helping you navigate this journey with confidence:

1. Get into a routine: Consistency is key! Establishing a regular feeding schedule helps your baby and gives you a sense of structure amidst the chaos of caregiving. Include your tube-fed baby in your family meals to create a sense of inclusion. Remember, for some, feeding tubes may be a temporary tool, so allowing them to observe eating skills could be beneficial.
2. Organize supplies: Keep all necessary supplies for tube feeding organized and easily accessible. This includes feeding tubes, syringes or feeding pumps, formula or breast milk, cleaning supplies, and other required equipment.
3. Monitor intake and output: Keep track of your baby’s intake and output to ensure they receive the right amount of nutrition and stay hydrated. This can help identify any issues or changes in feeding patterns that may require attention.
4. Comfort measures: Make feeding time as cozy as possible. Adjust your baby’s position, warm up their formula or breast milk, and give them a little massage to help them relax.
5. Be prepared for challenges: Understand that tube feeding at home may come with challenges, such as clogs in the feeding tube, reflux, or feeding aversions. Be prepared to troubleshoot these issues and seek support from healthcare professionals when needed.
6. Seek support: Don’t hesitate to contact other parents with tube feeding experience or join online support groups for additional guidance and encouragement. Having a supportive community can make a big difference in navigating the challenges of tube feeding at home.
7. Stay informed: Take note of any changes in your baby’s feeding plan, and stay connected with your healthcare team. They’re there to support you every step of the way.

By incorporating these practical tips and understanding the various feeding methods available, you’ll feel more empowered to handle tube feeding at home. Remember, every step you take is a testament to your dedication to your baby’s well-being, so trust your instincts and embrace this journey with confidence!


Nurturing mealtime for tube-fed babies is a journey that requires an abundance of love, patience, and unwavering dedication. It’s about more than just ensuring they get the nutrients they need – it’s about creating a nurturing environment where they can thrive.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Whether you’re facing challenges or celebrating milestones, there’s a community of healthcare professionals, fellow parents, and support groups ready to offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.

Disclaimer: Anything contained in this blog is general information only and is not, nor should it be interpreted to be, medical advice. Always consult with a qualified physician and/or a health care provider for medical advice.

micro G-JET ® Licensed in Canada

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

Cleveland, Ohio, November 2, 2023 – Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) is excited to announce that the micro G-JET® is licensed in Canada. The micro G-JET® was designed to meet the enteral nutrition needs of pediatric patients and is the only low profile gastric-jejunal (GJ) feeding device with an 8F jejunal segment. This expansion reaffirms AMT’s commitment to patient populations currently reliant on GJ feeding tubes for their caloric intake.

About AMT: AMT is a global leader and manufacturer of enteral feeding devices and accessories, upholding the highest standard for performance and quality assurance for over 30 years.

For more information on the micro G-JET®, please visit our website:

To order the micro G-JET® please contact customer service by phone (+1 440-717-4000) or email (

AMT joins Midwest Pediatric Device Consortium

Cleveland, Ohio, October 18, 2023 – Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) is thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Midwest Pediatric Device Consortium in their mission to revolutionize pediatric medical device development.

Pediatric healthcare is a field that demands unique solutions, as children’s physiology, growth, and healthcare needs differ significantly from adults. These differences often result in a shortage of medical devices approved for pediatric use, leaving young patients with limited options.

The Midwest Pediatric Device Consortium, generously supported by a $6.95 million grant from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is spearheading innovative efforts to bridge this gap. This visionary consortium is led by dedicated investigators from Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Our partnership with this dynamic group is rooted in a shared commitment to developing, producing, and commercializing cutting-edge pediatric medical devices. Together, we aim to enhance the quality of care and improve the lives of children who deserve the best in medical technology.

Introducing AMT ONE Source®, AMT’s New Mobile App!

AMT: Your ONE Source for Education, Support, and Fun!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

Cleveland, Ohio, June 10, 2020 – Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) is pleased to announce the launch of our mobile app, AMT ONE Source®!

AMT ONE Source® provides parents, caregivers, and patients with quick and easy access to our educational materials! The app offers up-to-date product information and fun activities for the enteral nutrition and bowel management communities.

The AMT ONE Source® app includes the following features:

  • Quick Care™: Easily explore and learn about AMT’s devices with FAQs and How-To Videos.
  • Patient Education Guides: Education guides provide clear directions on the use and care of AMT devices.
  • FAQs: Get quick answers to your top questions about AMT devices.
  • Coloring Book + Puzzle It!: Color fun illustrations of Harrison, AMT’s Mini Buddy® Bear! Then, transform your cool coloring book picture into a fun puzzle that you can solve!
  • Emoji Builder: Turn your favorite AMT device into a unique emoji character!
  • Share: Coloring book pictures and unique emoji characters can be shared with your friends and family on social media or with a text message.
  • Product Catalog: View AMT’s entire product offering.
  • Contact Us: Call or e-mail AMT directly from the app!

At AMT, we stand by our motto: Innovating. Educating. Changing Lives.™ We are committed to empowering caregivers and end-users through educational resources and support.

AMT ONE Source® can be found in the App Store or in the Google Play. Download iOS and Android versions of the app here:


Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

micro G-JET®

Low Profile Pediatric G-J Enteral Feeding Tube.

Cleveland, Ohio, March 15, 2021 – Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) announced that it has expanded its family of gastric-jejunal enteral feeding tubes (G-JET®s) to include the low profile micro G-JET®. The micro G-JET® was designed to meet the enteral nutrition needs of pediatric patients. The new device is offered with gastric lengths of 0.8 cm to 2.5 cm and with jejunal lengths of 10 cm, 15 cm, 22 cm, and 30 cm.

The micro G-JET® transitions from a 14F gastric segment to an 8F jejunal segment. The 8F jejunal tubing is well-suited for the narrow lumen of the small intestine in pediatric patients; further, the 8F jejunal tubing was designed to reduce digestive problems associated with sustained pyloric opening, such as reflux of bile or chyme. The micro G-JET® is the ONLY low profile gastric-jejunal feeding device with an 8F jejunal segment.

The micro G-JET® features a low profile external bolster with clearly labeled G and J ports, AMT’s exclusive apple-shaped balloon, anti-kink protection that spans the entire length of the jejunal tubing, and a soft, atraumatic distal tip.

With the addition of the micro G-JET®, AMT can provide gastric-jejunal feeding solutions to a broad spectrum of patients including adults, children, and infants > 6 kg.

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

Traditional G-JET®

Adjustable Length Gastric-Jejunal Enteral Feeding Tube.

Cleveland, Ohio, June 1, 2020 – Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) is pleased to announce that we have expanded our G-JET® product offering to include the Traditional G-JET® gastric-jejunal enteral feeding tube. By expanding the G-JET® portfolio to include an adjustable-length option, AMT is offering both physicians and patients a more comprehensive selection of enteral feeding devices.

When compared to current options for gastric-jejunal enteral feeding, AMT’s Traditional G-JET® features larger gastric and jejunal lumens which are designed to promote flow and reduce clogging, an Exclusive AMT Balloon that creates a superior gastric seal and reduces the risk of leakage at the stoma site, and Anti-Kink Technology (16F, 18F only) to reduce the risk of kinking in the jejunal segment. AMT’s Traditional G-JET® is cleared for initial placement.

AMT’s Traditional G-JET® is offered in French sizes 14F, 16F, and 18F with jejunal lengths ranging from 15 cm to 45 cm. The adjustable bolster can accommodate stoma lengths up to 10 cm. The 16F and 18F Traditional G-JET® devices feature Anti-Kink Technology that is unique to AMT. The 14F Traditional G-JET® is an AMT exclusive!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

10F MiniACE®

Low Profile Antegrade Continence Enema Button!

Starting November 4, 2019 Applied Medical Technology, Inc. (AMT) is excited to announce the expansion of its ColoCare™ product offering to include the first 10F MiniACE® balloon button that is FDA cleared for Antegrade Continence Enemas. Patients who depend on antegrade enemas as part of their bowel management program no longer have to struggle with their Chait Trapdoor™; by expanding the MiniACE® portfolio to include a 10F option, patients can convert from their current cecostomy/appendicostomy device to a balloon button device with minimal dilation (Chait Trapdoor™ is 10.2F, MiniACE® is now 10F).

With the addition of this new size, the MiniACE® is now offered in French sizes 10F, 12F, and 14F, with stoma lengths ranging from 0.8 cm to 10 cm.


Chait Trapdoor™ is a trademark of Cook® Medical.

AMT’s Enteral Line of Devices and Accessories are Now Officially Licensed in Canada:

The More Comfortable Alternative for Enteral Feeding

We are extremely excited to announce our Enteral Device Line has been licensed in Canada. From concept to fabrication, all AMT products are proudly made in the USA!

AMT is more than just a manufacturing facility; we are committed to the highest level of quality, safety, and patient care. We are dedicated to being an active participant in our customers’ lives as they make the transition to enteral nutrition. We look forward to providing Canada superior care as well as furthering our company mission: Innovating. Educating. Changing Lives.™

AMT will begin accepting orders on September 1, 2017!

Shipping Information:

Regular Orders: Orders for items that are in stock will ship the next business day.

Overnight and Second Day Air Orders:  Orders for items in stock and received before 2:00 PM EST will be shipped the same day.

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The adjustable length Traditional G-JET® offers reduced clogging, our exclusive balloon, and improved comfort. The 16F and 18F Traditional G-JET® devices include anti-kink technology. The Traditional G-JET® is made from medical-grade silicone to reduce skin irritation and improve patient comfort.

The Traditional G-JET® is available in French sizes 14F, 16F, 18F, and 22F with jejunal lengths ranging from 15 cm to 45 cm. The adjustable bolster can accommodate gastric stoma lengths up to 10 cm.

Learn more about the AMT Traditional G-JET®.

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The AMT MiniACE® is a balloon button that can be used to facilitate antegrade continence enemas (both Malone/appendicostomy and cecostomy). The device is low profile, meaning it sits flush against the skin and can be easily concealed under clothing and not interfere with day-to-day activities.

Available in 10F, 12F and 14F with varying stoma lengths, ranging from 0.8cm through 10.0cm.

Learn more about the AMT MiniACE®!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

AMT has three main Traditional Length G-Tubes. These devices are placed through the abdominal wall and have an adjustable external bolster. This adjustable external bolster minimizes surface contact with skin, allowing tissue to breathe and can be adjusted up to 10cm in length.

Learn more about the AMT Traditional Length G-Tube!

Learn more about the AMT Capsule Dome G-Tube!

Learn more about the AMT Capsule Monarch® G-Tube!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The AMT G-JET® Button is a low-profile gastric jejunal enteral feeding tube. This device is designed to reduce clogging, leaks, and the risk of misconnections. In addition, the G-JET® has Anti-Kink Technology (available in 16F-18F), meets biocompatibility standard ISO 10993, and is approved for permanent contact (greater than 30 days)!

Available in 14F, 16F and 18F with varying gastric stoma lengths, ranging from 1.0cm through 6.0cm and jejunal lengths from 15cm through 45cm.

Learn more about the AMT G-JET®!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The MiniONE® Balloon Button product line offers a 37% lower profile external bolster and is made from the highest grade medical silicone to reduce skin irritation and improve patient comfort. The soft and flexible external bolster is easy to clean around and less bulky.

Available in 12F, 14F, 16F, 18F, 20F and 24F with varying stoma lengths, ranging from 0.8cm through 6.5cm.

Learn more about the AMT MiniONE® Balloon Button!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The MiniONE® Capsule Non-Balloon Button offers advantages found nowhere else!  It combines the advantages of a low profile device with the longer life of a non-balloon device. Due to inserting like a balloon device, the capsule technology dramatically reduces discomfort during placement. Available in 14, 18, 20 and 24F with varying stoma length sizes ranging from 1.0cm through 4.4cm.

Learn more about the AMT MiniONE® Capsule Non-Balloon Button!

The MiniONE® Non-Balloon Button is a great alternative for patients who do not tolerate balloon devices. It uses a bolster system on the button shaft to hold the button in place, instead of a balloon. Its lower profile design is easier to conceal under clothing than other obtrusive g-tubes. Available in 14, 18, 20 and 24F with varying stoma length sizes ranging from 1.0cm through 4.4cm.

Learn more about the AMT MiniONE® Non-Balloon Button!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

AMT Feed and Extension Sets offer a wide variety of options to fit your needs! AMT offers both legacy and ENFit® devices and accessories to help provide you with the best options to make this global industry change as simple as possible. For your convenience, as the industry progresses through this global change, AMT offers an ENFit® hybrid feed set. The hybrid feed set features a legacy feeding port and an ENFit® med-port. Our Feed and Extension sets also feature our Glow Green™ Technology!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

AMT ENFit® Transition Adapters provide forward and backward compatibility – allowing you to choose what works best for you and your patients. This means you can connect the current market (aka legacy) to ENFit® components or you can connect ENFit® components to legacy products. Additionally, all AMT ENFit® components feature our Glow Green™ Technology, which was developed to promote ease of use for nighttime feedings, since the connectors glow-in-the-dark. Our ENFit® components also feature winged adapters for improved dexterity!

Learn more about ENFit®!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The Balloon Stoma Measuring Device (BSMD) is a great resource when establishing a stoma site or when a patient switches to AMT products. Measurement is critically important in placing an enteral feeding device and the measurements may vary depending on the device brand. AMT’s BSMD scale is accurate and consistent, and each button length is 100% checked. AMT recommends always using an AMT BSMD to select an AMT button length. AMT has no control over other manufacturers’ design or quality, thus AMT cannot assure cross measuring with another manufacturer’s BSMD will be accurate with our devices.

Learn more about the Balloon Stoma Measuring Device!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

AMT’s Initial Placement Kits (I.P. Kits) provide the essential tools for primary placement of gastrostomy tubes. Our Kits are sterile and ready to go, containing the necessary items to make tube placement easier. The wide variety of dilators, the inclusion of our Balloon Stoma Measuring Device and other kit components put us a step above the rest.

Learn more about the Initial Placement Kits!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The Remora® allows the surgeon to simultaneously remove electrosurgical smoke and fluid from the surgical site. With a minimalist form, the Remora® preserves the surgeon’s field of vision and control while operating.  Additionally, the removal of fluid from the area can improve the conductivity of electrosurgical instruments, which may result in a more efficient procedure.

Learn more about the Remora®!

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

The TLC® Self-Retaining Retractors significantly increase the surgeon’s visualization, organization, and control of surgical sites. TLC® retraction is continuous and lower profile when compared to manual retraction. The Wilson™ Retractor Systems are part of the TLC® Retractor product family, designed for male urologic surgery procedures. These retractor systems allow surgeons to perform urologic procedures without stay-sutures or assistance.

Learn more about the TLC® Retractors and the Wilson™ Retractor Systems!

AMT is Prepared for ENFit®

ISO 80369-3, better known as ENFit®, is a global industry change that has been transitioning into the enteral nutrition market. We understand that this may be a difficult transition for many of our customers and we are with you every step of the way.

Products compatible with the new ISO 80369-3 standard (or ENFit®) will be available from AMT.

Visit for additional information on the ENFit® System.

AMT ENFit® transition adapters and accessories are available!

AMT would like to remind our customers that we will continue to offer a complete Legacy Line and a complete ENFit® Line, pursuant to FDA regulations.

As of January 1, 2022 all GEDSA Manufacturer Members (AMT is not a member) will no longer manufacture transitions sets and adaptors sold separately from other devices, as stated in the July 1, 2021 Revised ENFit® Connector Conversion Schedule.

AMT is not a member of GEDSA and, while we believe in their efforts and align with their messaging of patient safety, our position has not changed.

ENFit® is a registered trademark of GEDSA, Inc. or its affiliates.

The American College of Surgeons

Applied Medical Technology|News & Updates

Feeding Tube Home Skills Kit©

“Applied Medical Technology is proud to partner with the ACS to support patients and their surgical caregivers with evidence-based education materials on feeding tube management post-discharge. AMT is committed to the care of their patients through education, innovation, quality products and building customer loyalty. We have focused on enteral feeding for over 25 years and it is our core concern and business.”

– AMT Founder George J. Picha, MD, PhD, FACS

AMT Involvement:
In light of our passion for the success and well-being of individuals in need of nutritional support around the globe, AMT has provided an educational grant to the American College of Surgeons for the design and development of a Feeding Tube Home Skills Kit©.

AMT’s Dedication to Education:
The ACS Feeding Tube Home Skills Kit© is designed as a hands-on teaching tool with real AMT product for patients, caregivers and family members to learn and practice the skills needed for enteral nutrition and the device they may use.

View the ACS Feeding Tube Home Skills Kit©

You can download the booklet and watch the tutorial videos!

Innovating. Educating. Changing Lives.


We have been here from the very beginning of the PEG movement. We are continually improving product designs and our user’s experience.


We are committed to providing our users and clinicians with world class educational support.


We create products to optimize the quality of life for our users.

Applied Medical Technology, Inc.

We are dedicated to providing the market with products that improve the quality of patients’ and caregivers’ lives. We accomplish this by bridging the gap between the medical device industry and the patient population, through various relations and partnerships. AMT works with professional clinicians, caregivers, patients, and their family members to better understand their needs. AMT is more than just a manufacturing facility; we are committed to the highest level of quality, safety, and patient care. We are interested in the whole person, not just the device they use.

All AMT products are proudly designed, manufactured, and supported in the USA.

Learn About AMT’s Continuing Growth!

In November of 2014, AMT moved from a 31,000-square-foot facility into a brand new 90,000-square-foot facility in Brecksville, OH.  AMT has experienced great growth over the past ten years due to our dedication to our customers to make the most innovative enteral feeding devices on the market!