
Peyton’s G-JET®

“We love our AMT G-JET®!  It is perfect for our daughter in every single way!”
Peyton’s Mom
I am a mother of four, two of which have complicated medical needs.  They are a huge part of my world, and I am so blessed to call myself their mother.
My daughter, Peyton, has a …Read More


Amery’s MiniONE® Balloon Button

“The AMT MiniONE® g-tube saved her life!”
Amery’s Mom
Amery is seven years old and has Mitochondrial Disease, Malabsorption Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and several GI issues. Her caloric intake is higher than what can possibly be achieved by mouth and her fluid intake is double her caloric intake.
Amery received her G-tube when she …Read More